Galatians 5: 22-26
Peace - in the midst of things around us falling apart, we are bound together to God
Long-suffering - patient endurance
Gentleness - kindness
Faith - faithfulness
Meekness - mild, bendable under pressure as needed
Temperance - self-control
The Holy Spirit will give you love toward someone who is not loving towards you.
Judges 4: 1-21 - Sisera’s army was defeated by the Lord, but there was still responsibilities due inside the tent.
You don’t have to be strong physically, just be willing to follow God’s orders.
Galatians 5:24 - There are no boundaries with the Fruit of the Spirit. It keeps going and going.
We do have to crucify our flesh so we don’t give in to it.
Galatians 5:25-26 - Our manner of testimony needs to be seen if we dwell in Christ.
Romans 13 - Walk in honesty. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
2 Corinthians 3 - We become what we behold and look at, so look to Jesus Christ