Grace in Action

Galatians 6 1-9

The greatest need an unbeliever has is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical examples of Believers that have fallen into sin.
Ham: gossiping about Noah’s nakedness
Abraham: lying about wife, Sarah
Moses: Anger with Israelites
David: lust with Bathsheba
Peter: Self-deception. Thought that he was too good to deny Jesus

How should we deal with others around us, especially believers who have fallen into sin?

John 2:6 - Walk as Jesus walks, if you say you abide in Him

Jesus prays for us.

Bear each others’ burdens - to fulfill the law of Jesus Christ (not Moses’s law)

2 Timothy 2: 24-26 - The servant of the Lord must not strive with men, but be gentle, meek

Do not be self-deceived about yourself. Anyone can fall into sin.

Remember: the Bible does not say that we should fix the other person’s problem, only bear it.