Our Identity in Christ

  1. Galatians may very well be the most important book in the Bible in propelling the message of getting the Gospel right!

  2. No other book is more pointed and concise in the effort of answering, “What is the Gospel?”.

  3. What have we learned so far?
    The impossibility of salvation by any form of self effort Galatians 3:2
    The foundational truth of justification by faith alone by Christ alone. Galatians 2:16
    The absolute necessity of God’s grace in a Christian’s life. Galatians 2:21
    The ever-present danger of doctrinal defection. Galatians 1:6
    The Gospel has never changed. Galatians 3:6-14

  4. What defines us as a person?
    Is our identity in what we achieve?
    Is our identity in what we obtain?
    Is our identity in what we possess?
    Is our identity in how others perceive us?
    Is our identity defined by our faith?

  5. Who are we?
    Are we slaves to a merciless Law?
    Are we slaves to sin?
    Are we slaves to the Master of Grace?
    Life’s pursuit if to fine the right Master!

  6. An heir
    Galatians 4:1-3 - We are given right of possession by relationship
    We are given the right of possession to an inheritance of everlasting life and to be with Jesus

  7. A servant
    a servant is hired/ a slave is bought

  8. A child
    we are a child before our faith matures

  9. We are children of God
    We have the spirit of Jesus living in us
    We have access to the Father - not in fear, but in love
    love is the intended motivation to serve and love Christ in all matter of life
    Deuteronomy 15:12-17
    First Corinthians 7:21-22