Galatians 4:8-20
The Office of A Servant
Ministry is something we all do
Ministry, as followers of Christ, we all have a place to serve
With our ministry comes burdens
Ephesians 6:5-8, servants be obedient….as unto Christ;
Galatians 4:8-10:
Why go back to the things before you were saved?
Idols, ceremonies, formalism
It does seem that at times you have wasted your time and energy in serving
VS: 12-15:
The blessedness of forgiveness and set free!
Acts 26:28 - Better to know Christ and be a prisoner than a king and not know God
Vs: 16 - The truth in love is always for our good
Vs. 17 - The false teachers have stirred you up but not for the better
Vs. 18 - To be zealously affected
our zeal is to see others grow in Christ
Vs. 19 - Ministry will cause us to travail over others
Vs. 20 - With ministry comes accountability
Ministry at marriage
Ministry at home
Ministry at church (Exodus 31:2, Nehemiah 2:12)
Ministry at work (Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:24)