Genesis 49
Our Father Knows Best, Part Two
Genesis 48: 10-15
In tonight’s study we discussed these topics:
The age of Joseph’s sons at this time
Jacob’s physical condition at this time
Joseph’s placement of his sons in front of Jacob
Jacob’s action when giving the blessings
Our Father Knows Best
Genesis 47: 29 - 48:10
Topics that were discussed in tonight’s lesson:
Jacob’s burial place and desires
Burial or Cremation?
Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons
Jacob tells Joseph the Abrahamic Covenant
Israel's Report in Egypt
Genesis 47: 3-11
3 - Why was Pharaoh asking Joseph’s family questions?
4 - Why did the family want to sojourn in Goshen?
7-10 - Who blessed who?
8-9 - How old was Jacob?
11 - What kind of land did Pharaoh give them?
We Can't Forget Our Family
Genesis 46:28-34
28 - Who did Jacob ask to lead the family to see Joseph?
Who didn’t he ask?
29- What are the four things that Joseph did?
30- What did this family reunion signify?
How long did Jacob live after seeing Joseph again?
30-34 - What is Joseph doing and why from here to the end of the chapter?
Did Joseph respect authority?
We Must Not Forget Our Families
Genesis 46:1-27
In today’s Bible study we discuss these topics:
The items that Jacob’s family brought to Egypt
Jacob’s thoughts about going to Egypt
God is always with us
The number of family that went to Egypt
God Sends Israel to Egypt for 400 Years as Prophesied
Genesis 45: 17-28
In tonight’s Bible study, we discussed these topics:
What did Pharoah’s household think of Joseph?
What did Pharoah offer to Joseph’s family?
Did Joseph go back to see Jacob with his brothers?
Did Jacob believe his sons?
An Emotional Reunion with Joseph's Brothers
Genesis 45:1-16
The Ultimate Character Test, Part Two
Genesis 44: 18-34
The Ultimate Character Test
Genesis 44:1-7
Our discussion for this Bible study revolves around:
Joseph’s cup
The brothers’ feelings for Benjamin
It is Past Time to Face the Music
Genesis 43: 19- to the end of the chapter
In tonight’s study we discussed these questions:
What is a steward?
Why were the brothers afraid of going to Joseph’s home?
Why did everybody wash their feet during these times?
How did Joseph react to seeing Benjamin?
Why didn’t Joseph eat with his brothers? Why didn’t he eat with the Egyptians?
Why were the brothers perplexed about the seating arrangements at the meal?
What is a “mess” that Benjamin got 5 times more of?
Were the brothers resentful of Benjamin’s portion?
What did the brothers do with their fears?
Who fills our table to overflowing?
What was Joseph using to test his brothers?
It is Past Time to Face the Music, Part 2
Genesis 43: 8-14
In today’s Bible study we discuss these questions:
What is it that gives life?
What’s the scenario Judah gave to Jacob?
What shows that Joseph had pent up emotions over the years?
What is the offering being offered?
Should riches be our aim?
What did it take for Jacob to think in the way?
It is Past Time to Face the Music
Genesis 43:1-7
In this lesson we discussed:
Jacob’s maturity and faith
Jacob’s thinking
Jacob’s obedience
Jacob’s behavior past and present
God’s sovereignty
Jacob’s blame on Judah
The Lessons of Life Need to be Learned Part three
Genesis 42:25-38
This week’s discussion topics:
Personal applications for us from Joseph’s life
The money in the brothers’ sacks
Lying by the brothers
Joseph testing his brothers
Hearts are changing in the brothers
The brothers’ report to Jacob
Jacob’s reaction to the report
Reuben’s promise
The Lessons of Life Need to be Learned Part two
Genesis 42: 1- 38
A conversation about:
What Joseph remembered
Joseph’s tests
Joseph’s actions toward his brothers
The Lessons of Life Need to be Learned
Genesis 42:1-20
In this lesson, we discuss:
How news travels in these days
The phrase, “Why look ye one upon another?”
The willingness to work
The meaning of the word “corn”
The reason behind a large number of sons verses a few sons going to Egypt
The reason the Benjamin was not allowed to go to Egypt
Getting Ahead in this World is not all it's Cracked up to Be, Part Two
Genesis 41: 46-57
In tonight’s lesson we talk about:
Manassah= one who causes to forget
Ephraim= fruitful
God is in control over bounty/famine
Joseph’s peace during his trying times
Joseph recognizes his family as God’s blessing to him
The effects of famine
God’s timing of having a start date and a stop date to the difficult times
Getting Ahead in this World is not all it's Cracked up to Be
Genesis 41:37-42
37 - Pharaoh agreed with Joseph’s interpretation and plan
38 - Pharaoh sees God in Joseph and recognizes God’s power
39 - Pharaoh saw Joseph’s life and heard what God told Joseph. He recognized this wisdom.
40 - Pharaoh places Joseph second in command
41-42 - Pharaoh gives Joseph royal robes, jewelry, and a signet ring.
It is Not of Me, God Gives Answers of Peace Part Three
Genesis 41: 22-36
In today’s lesson, we discuss:
God’s provisions and plans
How to interpret Scripture
Types of Theology (Covenant and Dispensational)
The meaning of Pharoah’s dream
Joseph gives credit where credit is due
It is Not of Me, God Gives Answers of Peace Part Two
Genesis 41: 9-23
Conversation on this passage dealt with:
The butler who forgot Joseph
The expectations of Pharoah
The interpretation of Pharoah’s dream
Joseph’s credibility