It is Not of Me, God Gives Answers of Peace

Genesis 41:1-36

Joseph had previously interpreted the baker and butler’s dreams.
The butler forgot about Joseph in the prison for two years.
The kine in Pharoah’s dream were a form of an idol that they worshiped.
Joseph always gave God the credit for interpreting the dreams
Pharoah called for his magicians first to interpret his dreams. Other names for magician is astrologer, diviner. It means being posessed of occult knowledge.
Pharoah just wanted peace from these dreams.

Joeseph Interprets Two Prisoners' Dreams

Genesis 40:1-5

1- Butler and Baker offended the King
2 - The king was greatly angered
3 - God worked it out that the Butler and Baker were both put into the same place as Joseph
4 - Joseph was in charge over them.
5 - Butler and Baker each had dreams that could be interpreted. We don’t have dreams from God today because we have God’s messages to us from the Bible.

Conversation in this lesson is on offences.

Joseph. Beloved, Hated, Rejected, Conspired Against and a Blessing to All, part three

Genesis 37: 17-28

17 - Joseph heads to Dothan where his brothers went to feed the sheep

20 - The brothers see Joseph coming. They are filled with hatred towards Joseph. They want to kill him. Reuben and Judah are the two brothers that end up saving his life.

23 - The brothers stripped Joseph out of his coat of many colors. They cast him into a pit.

25 - The brothers see the Ishmaelites coming and they decide to sell him.

28 - Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver.
Matthew 26:15 - Jesus was also sold for silver, 30 pieces

Who Was Esau? Part Three

Acts 15: 14-21

vs. 16 refers to Amos 9:11-15
God has called Gentiles (heathens) to be saved, including people from the land of Edom

Malachi 1:1-3 God states that He hates Edom
Isaiah 21:11-12 - Seir is the capital of Edom (Dumah)
Isaiah 34:4-8 - States the future of Edom (Idumea).
Isaiah 63:1-6 - States the future of Edom
Jeremiah 9:25-26 - Edom, as well as Israel, will be judged for their unbelief

Amos 1:11-12 Lists Edom’s sins
Obadiah Lists Edoms sins and God’s judgement

Who was Esau? Part Two

Hebrews 12:14-17, Genesis 36

Esau wasn’t chosen for eternal life or death. God uses the word chosen in reference to Esau’s birthright.

The genealogy of Esau proves that God blessed Esau with a lot of children. Plus God gave him land and riches.

Genesis 36: 11-19: Esau’s grandsons became Dukes or Chiefs
20-21, 29-30: Seir’s sons became Horite Dukes
31-39: Edom had kings before Israel did.
40-43: These verses list the Dukes that came to Esau/Edom

Who was Esau? Part One

Amos 9:11-15, Genesis 36

Amos 9:11 - Is the Davidic Kingdom still in place at this time? No
The tabernacle and Kingdom spoken of in this verse is Jesus’ Kingdom that will be in Jerusalem.

Amos 9:12 - Edom’s remnant that believe in God will be present in the Jesus’ Kingdom.

A discussion continues that follows the Edomites through the books of the Old Testament.

A Peek at God's Blessing on Esau

Genesis 36:1-43
Hebrews 11:20

Why did God place Esau’s genealogy in the Bible?
1. So we remember the God knows and remembers every person whether they are chosen, saved, or not.
2. So we can look at their names and see where they settled.

Hebrews 11:20 - Isaac blessed both Jacob and Esau
Hebrews 12:15-16 - Esau sold his birthright

Esau’s blessing is similar to Ishmaels. Protection, land, and ultimately salvation.

Genesis 36:1-5 - Esau’s wives

Genesis 36:6-10 - Esau’s family moves to Mt. Seir

Genesis 33:9 - God has blessed Esau despite him selling his birthright.

How was the Abrahamic Covenant beneficial to Esau? Genesis 12:3: In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. God’s grace extends to everyone.