A discussion on life’s priorities as we look at our last lesson on Joseph.
The Correct Perspective of Life's Scary Valleys and Curves
Giving Honor According to Our Heritage, Part Two
Giving Honor According to Our Heritage, Part One
An Appointment We Will Not miss
One Appointment We Cannot Reschedule
Benjamin - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Joseph - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Naphtali - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Gad - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Gad - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Genesis 49:19
Discussion on how to do Bible study.
Meaning of Gad’s name as well as the meaning of words within the verse.
The verse interpreted and then compared to other Scripture references.
We look at the type of people that the Gadites were, the inheritance they got and some events that happened to the tribe.
Dan - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Genesis 49: 16-18
Today’s discussion leads us to talk about the tribe of Dan and his sins as well as the future plans God has in store for this tribe.
Issachar - That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Genesis 49:14-15
Our topic of conversation for this lesson is Issachar.
We discuss the meaning of Issachar’s name, the characteristics of the tribe and people that came from the tribe of Issachar in the rest of the Bible.
Zebulun: That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Genesis 49: 13
Discussion of Zebulun’s location
Zebulun’s future
Zebulun’s importance within the line of his brothers
Zebulun’s future boundaries
Judah: That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days, part 5
Genesis 49:8-12
A discussion of Judah’s prophecy before and during the Millenium.
That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days, Part 4
A study on the third son of Jacob, Judah.
That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days, part 3
Genesis 49: 5-7
Simeon and Levi
Genesis 34 tells the incident when Simeon and Levi avenged their sister Dinah’s rape. Jacob’s reaction is also mentioned as shame and fear.
Simeon and Levi were grieved and were filled with cruel wrath about Dinah.
Jacob says, Come not into their secret = don’t take their council
Digged down a wall = they cut the back hamstrings of the animals to make them suffer
They have self-will which is the opposite of God’s will
God did not give up on Simeon and Levi
Simeon is mentioned 34 times, and Levi 64 times in the rest of the Bible.
Levi’s land inheritance was only 48 cities. They did not get a complete section of acreage. Deuteronomy 31 says that Moses gives the Levites credit in the future for getting rid of Baal worshippers.
Simeon received acreage of land but it was the most barrren part within the tribe of Judah’s land. God still loved Simeon and in the future 12,000 will be sealed from Simeon’s family line.
That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days, Part 2
Genesis 49:1-4
Study of Reuben
Decisions we make today have consequences for tomorrow.
Your sins will find you out.
Joshua 18: 7 - Reuben wanted land on the East of Jordan
Isaiah 15 - Isaiah lamented against the people on the east side of Jordan
I Chronicles 5:1-3 Our Eternal King will not come from Reuben’s tribe, but from Judah’s
Deuteronomy 33:6 Moses prays for Reuben’s tribe to not die off
Jacob describes Reuben as being unstable.
James 1:8 - A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways
Proverbs 6:32 Who commits adultery destroys his own soul.
Reuben’s descendants were the Kohathites who led a revolt against Moses and Aaron
That Which Shall Befall You in the Last Days
Genesis 49: 1-4
1 - Last days = end times or latter time
last days - Jacob tells prophecy that culminates by the time of the exile of the Jews
The tribes are intermingled right now, but during the tribulation 144,000 will be sealed from the tribes and they will be a testimony for Jesus
The word excellency means abundance
Review of Genesis 25: 21-26: This is the story of two nations in Rebekah’s womb. God says in Malachi and Revelation, “Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated.”
Jacob and Esau are two future nations, one chosen by God as His. (Israel)
Jacob’s prophecy to his first born son Reuben was based on how Reuben lived his life.
At first in verse 3, Jacob expresses the joy of Reuben being the first-born, but in verse 4 Jacob addresses the sin of Reuben with Bilhah, his mom Leah’s handmade.
There was no prophet, priest, or king out of Reuben’s family because of his sin.