How Do God's People Respond to His Faithfulness?

Psalm 1-25

1: God has not dealt with us as He could

2: We can never exhaust the praise that God is due

3: There needs to be a dealing with wrong - do right!

4: Remember me Lord

5: Remember Israel, your people, your chosen

6-7: We have sinned

8: God saved them for His name’s sake

9: He led them through the Red Sea on dry land

10-11: He saved them from their enemies

12: They sang His praise

13: They forgot His works

14: They wanted more

15: Be careful what you ask for

16-18: Disregard for biblical authority

19-20: Their worship was for self

21-22: They forgot their Savior

23-25: Murmurings and Complainings

Why is God Faithful to His People? Part Three

Psalm 105: 26-45

26: God describes Moses as His servant
27: The Lord of Ham (Gen. 10:6)
28-38: The Plagues - God breaks down the Egyptians one by one
37: No one stumbled coming out, none were feeble
38: Egypt glad they left
39: God spreads His hand of protection over them
40: God satisfies the hunger of His people
41: God gave them water for two half million people
42: God is faithful to remember His promises
43: God desires that we draw nigh to him
44: He gave them the lands of the heathen
45: Trust and obey

What is our Daily Witness of God?

Psalm 104:1-35

1- Jehovah my Elohim

2 - God is light.

3 - God is big

4 - Angels were created during Creation

5 - God is the Creator and He sustains the earth

6-9 - God made the seas and oceans and He controls them.

10-12- He made the springs and streams and rivers

13-14 - He makes things grow for us

15- God made wine and oil

16 - 18 - God makes the habitats for the animals

19- He makes the seasons

20-22 - He makes the animals go their den

23-27 - God feeds this world

28-29 - God sustains

30-35 - God is greater than His Creation

Who's Running the Show?

Psalm 103:19-22

Sovereignty : Complete authority in His kingdom

Psalm 93: The Lord reigneth “eth” means now and forever
God’s kingdom is everlasting

Daniel 2:36-38, 44-45, God’s kingdom is forever
4:17: God sets up who will rule and reign

Matthew 6:9-10: Pray for the kingdom to come
vs. 33: Seek first His kingdom

Luke 17:20-21: The kingdom of God is now in you
He reigns in us

II Kings 6:8-23: Elisha defeats Syria with God’s help

Luke 21:9,28,31: God’s got everything under control

How Do Difficulties and Uncertainties Change You

Psalm 102: 1-28

1-2: Difficulties should drive us to ask the Lord for help

3-11: The vivid pictures that are used to describe His suffering

12: God is eternal and His people are still here

13: There is a set time for His promises

14: All the world’s wealth is nothing compared to God’s city

15: We are living in the days like Noah

16: God will appear in His glory

17-18: It’s written for you and me

19-20: Lord, you are the Deliverer

21-22: One day, all will go to Jerusalem and bow down to King Jesus

23: Jesus is the only Eternal One

24: We aren’t to waste one day

25-27: Hebrews 10:1 - Jesus is the Creator. The glory to come is amazing

28: Pray for the young people

Do We Worship the Lord?

Psalm 95: 1-11

Hebrews 4:7 is a direct quote to Psalm 95:8

1-7: Speaks of worship, glorifying and praising

8-11: Speaks of Warning, provoking

There is a change between the OT and the NT because the altar is now the cross, the offering was Jesus, and the offerer was God.

They that worship must worship in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:19

What Do We Know about Justice?

Psalm 94

1-7: The Supplication
8-13: The Sermon
14-23: The Soliloquy

1 - Vengence belongs to God

2 - God is the judge.

3-5 - The wicked seem to prosper

6-7 - The wicked boast about their evil .

8-11 - God created us. He sees, hears, and understands

12-13 - God’s chastisement on us now is a blessing and gives us rest. Those that are not being chastised are also not being blessed. Consider God’s forsaking wrath.

14-23 - The Psalmist acknowledges God’s comfort, help, mercy, defense, and rock of refuge.