Who Can Calm Your Storm?

Psalm. 93

Outline of the Chapter:
1-2: God Rules
3-4: God Overrules
5: God’s Witness is Declared

1 - The Lord reigneth. He has authority.
He girds Himself with majesty.

If you don’t believe in the God of Creation, then you don’t believe in the God of preservation.

2 - The world and God’s throne is established, it cannot be moved.
Psalm 33:11 - The council of God stands forever
Daniel 7:14, Micah 4:7, I Cor. 15:19
God will put down anybody or nation that is against Him.

3-4: Metaphor in the verse = floods represent people against God.
God will overrule these people.

Why Do We Praise the Lord?

Psalm 92

1-5: Ways of Praise

6-7: The Wicked’s Perversion
2 Peter 3:1-5: scoffers are willingly ignorant

8-10: The Lord’s Power
Luke 11:13: The Holy Spirit anoints us

11-15: The Testimony of Praise
God delivers judgement to our enemies
God’s people will withstand the storm and bring forth fruit

The Lord is my Rock, He is trustworthy, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. He can still use us despite our age and infirmities. We can praise Him for this.

How is God Faithful?

Psalm 89

19-37: God is faithful in his Promises
God’s seed shall endure forever
His seed will be established

5 - 18 God is faithful in His Person
God’s Divine Attributes

God’s Moral Attributes

God is to be feared and revered.

38-57: God is faithful in His People
God provides safety
God is faithful and just to chasten

How is God Faithful in His Promises

Psalm 89: 1-37

1-2: Doxology
3-4: God is Faithful
5-18: God is faithful in His Person
19-37: God is Faithful in His Promises
38-57: God is Faithful in His People

Background: Israel is newly divided into two kingdoms. The northern ten tribes ruled by King Jeroboam, and the two southern tribes ruled by Solomon’s son, Rehoboam.

Background and Information into the Davidic Covenant
1 Chronicles 3:1
2 Chronicles 12
1 Kings 14
2 Samuel 7:12

Genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke

The City of God

Psalm 87

Three topics in this chapter: God, the place, and the promise

The place is the mentioned as the foundation - Jerusalem also called Zion or the City of David

Jerusalem has been chosen by God to be His city for His habitation. He is passionate about Jerusalem and claims to feel easily jealous of her.

God promises to transform Zion from waste to Eden.

Question to ponder: Could Jerusalem have been the spot where the Garden of Eden used to be?

What is Your Greatest Desire?

Psalm 85

This chapter shows us the return, the revival, and the restoration of God’s people back to Him.

  1. God has shown favor to the land and brought back the captives

  2. God has forgiven all their sins

  3. God has taken away His wrath

  4. -9. We want our relationship to be restored

    10.-13 God will show His mercy and truth. Righteousness and peace are God’s gifts to us

Who Are God's Enemies?

Psalm 83

Satan can’t physically go after God so he goes against God’s people.

Israel’s enemies wanted to destroy the nation. God let them because of their idolatry.

God made promises though to the nation of Israel.
1. Isaiah 54: 7 God says His mercy will fall on the nation. This foretold that the nation would be brought back together.
2. Jeremiah 31:29 & Deuteronomy 24:16 God promises that He will love the nation and that all of them will know Him.

vs. 6-11 list Israel’s neighbors and enemies. Most of these neighbors were related in some way. The families’ resentment toward Israel caused the feelings of hatred. They felt cheated because God chose Jacob as the nation.

James 4:4 - God’s enemies are the friends of the world. Don’t let your family become your enemies.

Who Satisfies You?

Psalm 81

1-5: What Israel Should Do: Israel should worship God

6-7: What God has Done: God redeemed and rescued His people from slavery and provided for their every need.

8-11: What Israel Should Have Done and Didn’t: They should’ve desired God more.

12: What God Did: God gave them up to their wishes and desires.

13-16: What God Could Have Done: God could have given them victory and subdued their enemies.

What Purpose is God's Chastening?

Psalm 80: 1-18

1-2: Asaph is praying this Psalm to God, acknowledging that He is our loving Shepherd, showing us mercy when we don’t deserve it. Asaph asks God to come before them as in times past to lead them.

3-7: God’s purpose for chastening is to cause His people to RETURN to Him.

8-16: God’s purpose is to RESTORE the broken relationship between Him and us.

17-18: God’s purpose is to REVIVE what has withered.