Acts 26:1-11
vs. 1 - Give your story of what you were saved from
Look for God to open doors to give your testimony
vs. 2 - Be ready to give an answer
vs. 3 - Be respectful to authority and appeal for them to hear
vs. 4-5 - Tell them where your story started
vs. 6-8 - Preach the Resurrection with a collective touch
vs. 9-11 - Mention your sins that Jesus saved you from
vs. 9 - Paul did multiple things against Jesus
vs. 10 - Paul says he shut many up in prison and assented to many of their deaths
vs. 11 - Paul punished Christians often, compelled them to blaspheme, persecuted and pursued them
Sinner Saul became the saved, sanctified, servant Paul of the Savior.