Speak to Them Concerning Faith in Christ

Acts 24:22-27

22: Our Testimony Precedes Us
- Felix had a beginning knowledge of the Jewish Christians and their beliefs

23: Our Freedoms are in God’s Hands
- A Centurion (leader in the army) was assigned to Paul, but Paul was allowed to have visitors and some freedoms

24: Our Readiness Concerns “The Faith in Christ”
- Paul was ready to discuss his faith in Jesus Christ with Felix and his wife

25: Our Conversation Starts Here
Paul reasoned with Felix and his wife and discussed:
1. Righteousness
2. Temperance (self-control)
3. Judgment to Come
Felix trembled at what Paul said but sent Paul away.

26: Our Expectation is that Not all will be Sincere
- Felix talked with Paul often, but he had ulterior motives for initiating conversation. Felix hoped that Paul would bribe him into letting him go.

27: Our Patience is to Wait on God
- Felix kept Paul bound for two years to make the people happy. God has plan for us even when we are in valleys.