Bad Seeds Produce Bad Fruit

Genesis 19:30-38

30 - Lot leaves mountains and goes to Zoar.
Lot, at first, did not want to go to Zoar, he wanted to go to the mountains.

31 - The two daughters come up with their plan for children with their father.

32 - Lot is careless and drinks the fermented wine.

33-38 - Lot didn’t know what his daughters had done.
The Moabites and the Ammonites came from these two daughters of Lot.
The Israelites disobeyed God and did not destroy all of these people.
The people in this land are still giving the Israelites trouble today.

Bad Seeds Produce Bad Crops

Genesis 19:23-29

vs. 23: Lot went into Zoar

vs. 24: The Lord rained the fire from heaven

vs. 25. God destroyed the entire plain, the cities, people/animals, plants
Overthrew = turned it over

vs. 26: Lot’s wife looked back. She disobeyed God. She still had an attachment to the city.

vs. 27-28: Abraham got up early with the Lord. Abraham saw the smoke, like the smoke from a furnace

vs. 29: God remembered Abraham and his intercession for Lot

God Delivers the Just, Righteous, and the Godly, Part Two

Genesis 19:9-22

9. The mob’s attitude shifts from the two men to Lot. They even attempted to break down the door.
The mob didn’t appreciate Lot, being a stranger, coming into the city and criticizing them for their homosexuality.

10. The angels pulled Lot into the house.

11. Young and old men were stricken with blindness from the angels. They had trouble finding the door and got tired. Moral blindness led to physical blindness, in this case.

12. The angels command Lot to get all his family members out of the city.

13. Lot is informed that the city is going to be destroyed because of the wickedness

14-16. Lot and his family had to be drug out of the city

17. Angels tell Lot to escape to the mountains.

18-22. The Lord appears to Lot again. Lot does not have faith when he is told to go to the mountains. He is scared and wants to go to the city of Zoar. God’s grace and mercy is what saved Lot. He certainly did not deserve it with his compromising personality.

God Delivers the Just, Righteous, and the Godly

Genesis 19: 1-8

1: Lot was a judge, and officer of the city, and he was sitting at the gate (the central area of activity).
Lot bowed to the men because it was the custom, he probably thought the angels were men.

2: Lot called them lords for respect

3: Lot knew the dangers of the city and he pressed them greatly to come into the house.

4: A lot of wicked men came outside Lot’s house

5: These wicked men wanted to “know” the two visitors
Leviticus 18:22 - homosexuality is a sin

6: Lot went to speak to the sodomites

7: Lot called homosexuality wicked

8: Lot had at least a little morality with having two virgin daughters and he calls the homosexuality wicked

Interceding for the Righteous, Part Two

Genesis 18: 20-33

vs. 20: God hears the cry of the wicked

vs. 21: God judges carefully

vs. 22: God teaches us about Himself

vs. 23: God hears our questions and gives us answers

vs. 23-24: Abraham asks of His mercy

vs. 25-26: Abraham asks if He will spare the righteous

vs. 27: Abraham asks respectfully and humbly

vs. 28-32: Ask how merciful He is

vs. 33: Believe God’s answers

Interceding for the Righteous

Genesis 18:16-33

vs. 16 - God watches the wicked
God knew of the people’s sins in Sodom and the surrounding cities

vs. 17 - God teaches judgment
Abraham knew God would punish the sinners

vs. 18 - God teaches blessings
God discusses His judgment so that Abraham realizes God’s blessings are for him, the coming nation, and those that love God.

vs. 19 - God expects proper child training
Abraham was in charge and commanded his entire household in the things of the Lord.

For by Flesh or by Promise?

Genesis 16: 1-16

1-4 - Sarai means princess
handmaid = servant
Hagar - flight
LORD - Jehovah = A self-existing One

The custom of the day = Sarai was looked upon as having kids because Hagar had a child.
Hagar was Sarai’s handmaid.
This was an accepted practice of the day, when the wife could not have children.

5-6 - Living by flesh, comes by suffering
Abraham does not love Hagar.
After conceiving, Hagar despises Sarai.
Sarai complains to Abram and he allows Sarai to do with Hagar what she wants to do.

God Renews His Promises, Part Two

Genesis 15: 1-21

vs 5-6 God’s method of count
God told Abram to look to the stars and number them. God then repeated the promise
Abram believed God and had righteousness
Abram was saved by faith and not faithfulness
James 2:23, Galatians 3:6-9 - Abram saved by faith

vs 7 - God explains why we’re here
God told Abram. I brought you out of Ur, so that you can give it for an inheritance

vs 8-12 - God’s sign of Inheritance
animals were killed and divided
God walked through the pieces represented by the smoking furnace and the burning lamp

vs 13-16 - God’s revelation of Abram and Israel’s future
They will be slaves for 400 years, but Abram will die at a good old age.

vs. 17-21 - God’s Ratification of the Abrahamic Covenant
God promises a very large land

This covenant blossoms throughout the rest of the Bible. Especially with the Davidic Covenant and the kingly seed is covered more in depth.

God Remembers His Promises

Genesis 15: 1-4

vs. 1 - What is “after these things” referring to
a. Abram defeated the kings who took Lot and others as slaves
b. The encounter with Melchizadek
c. Abram refused the reward but did tithe Melchizadek

vs. 1 - God communicated with Abram through a vision
Hebrews 1:1 - God uses people (prophets) to give His message
vision - a vision is not a dream, but is still something seen supernaturally
This vision lasts the entire chapter and Abram saw himself dreaming inside of the vision.

vs. 1 - Why did God give Abram this vision?
it gave him peace, took away fear

vs 2-4 - God Promises and Inheritance
Abram calls God - Lord God = Adonai, Jehovah, Master
What are Abram’s fears? being childless
God promises a shield and reward. This is talking about God’s provision in giving Abram a son.

Why a Surprising Priestly Blessing to Top Things Off

Genesis 14: 17-24

Abraham just returned from the battle and he had won, bringing back all the people that had been taken captive and stolen.

King Melchizedek wants to give Abraham a reward.
By looking at Melchizedek, we can see types of Jesus Christ.
We cannot say with certainty that King Melchizedek was Jesus Christ incarnate in the Old Testament, but we can say that there are similarities between the two.

17 - Abraham returned from the slaughter
slaughter - stricken, wounded, smite, slay, kill

18 - Melchizedek was a Priest of the Most High God

19 - What did Melchizedek do to Abraham? Blessed him
Blessed = honor, glorify

20 -Did Melchizedek only bless Abraham? No, he blessed God also
How do we bless God? by giving God honor, praise, thanks,
Abraham gave a tenth of the spoil to Melchizedek, King of Salem

21 - Abraham wants to give the other 90% of the spoil to the King of Sodom.
The king of Sodom wants to keep only the people, but he wants Abraham to keep the goods.
Abraham says no.

21-24 - Abraham promises God that he will trust Him for his personal provisions, and that he won’t take any of the spoils of this battle.

The ways we can see Melchizedek as types of Jesus Christ
1. Melchizedek means king of Righteousness
2. Melchizedek was a priest, just like Jesus is our priest
3. Melchizedek was the king of Salem. Salem means peace
4. Melchizedek was a man among men, just like Jesus was when He came to earth.
5. Melchizedek pursues men
6. Melchizedek offers bread and wine to Abraham when he returns. Jesus offered bread and wine to the disciples and told them to remember Him when they partook of the bread and wine together.
7. Melchizedek was recognized by many
8. Melchizedek blessed others just like Jesus did
9. Melchizedek blessed God
10. Melchizedek received tithes; the ten percent that Abraham gave him.
11. Melchizedek’s life record is said to be eternal. There is no recorded dates in the Bible of his birth or death.

Must We Get Physical? Part Two

Genesis 14:1 4-16

These questions were discussed:

What was the reason for Abram’s response?

Did Abram believe in the right to use weapons?

Did his soldiers always holster their weapons?

Does Abram’s views go against the identification with the doctrine of resistance to violence?

What did Abram’s plan consist of?

Was this Abram’s nature?

Does war carry the baggage of evil?

Do you want to have a war against war in your heart?

Those that value life, hate war, but understand the necessity.

Must We Get Physical?

Geneesis 14: 1-16

  1. How many kings were confederate here?
    Where were these kings and cities from?

  2. Where does war come from?
    Where were these kings and their city-states from?
    How many kings or city-states here?
    Is there any evidence before here that man was violent towards other men?
    Why are there wars according to Scripture?

  3. Where was this war fought?
    Where is the Vale of Siddim?

  4. How many years had they served the five kings?

  5. Who were the Rephaim?
    Who were the Zuzims?
    Who were the Emims?

What You See is What You Get

Genesis 13:14-18

vs 14-15:
What did Abram see?
Who was the land promised to?
What land was promised?
How is the Lord speaking to Abram?
When did this conversation occur?
Where was he standing when God spoke to him?
How many times in these five verses does God say something like, “I will give it”?
Is this land Abram’s at this time?
Did Abram ever own the land in his lifetime?

vs 16:
What is Abram’s seed equal to?
What does the seed refer to here?
Has Israel presently inherited the land literally?
Should we interpret this for Abram’s time, present time, or for the future?

vs 17:
Did Abram walk the land?
How much did he see?

vs 18:
Where is Abram settling?
Where did Abram build the altar to the Lord? Why?
How many altars so far have we read that Abram built?
What did the altar building signify?