Why do God's People Lie?

Psalms 12, I Samuel 24:1-2

There are three voices speaking in this Psalm: David, a sinner, and God

  1. David’s Plea
    Help, Lord! godly man ceaseth. The faithful fail.
    Help means to save or deliver
    Where do we turn for help in a trial? Where do we first go?
    Saul is seeking David to kill him. David turns to God and asks for help.

  2. David’s Problem
    A. godly and faithful are failing because of lies they are saying
    B. they have flattering lips that are seeking favor from others
    C. they speak with a double heart, they cannot be trusted

  3. God’s Promises
    A. God will cut off all flattering lips and the tongues that speak proudly
    B. God will set the righteous in safety from those who puffeth at him
    C. God’s says His Word is pure and can be trusted
    D. God will preserve the righteous

  4. Why do God’s people lie?
    A. God says that those who speak vanity - they think they can talk their way out of trouble
    B. They think that they will prevail and get what they want
    C. They forget who their Master is… and they let their tongue take control.

  5. Who are we lifting up? God or ourselves.

What Can the Righteous do When There is Moral Decay in the Nation?

Psalms 11

Setting: This Psalm of David takes place when King Saul is trying to kill him. He asks King Saul’s son, Jonathan, in I Samuel 20:1, “why?”.

King Saul hardened his heart against God, and was not following God’s commandments.
He kept the fact a secret that he wanted David dead.

In Psalms 11, vs. 1-3, David knows he has to run and hide, while King Saul prepares his weapons against him.
We need to remember that the “righteous” (believers) are not helpless, even if the foundations around us are destroyed.

What are our foundations?
Justice, truth, marriage, family, etc.

What can we do when there is moral decay in the nation?
1. We can separate from evil influences.
Fleeing is a form of fighting
David ran instead of being put in the position of taking King Saul’s life. David knew that God is the judge.
Separate yourself from sin, or sin will separate you from God.

2. Maintain a right view of God
God is big enough to handle our big problems
Know His presence. We are God’s temple. His presence is in us.
God is big enough to watch everyone. He hates wickedness and will judge.

What Can we be Certain of When our Nation is in Spiritual Decline?

Psalms 9-10

Psalms 9 This chapter is David remembering God’s defeat of Goliath and the Philistines

vs. 1-2: God is worthy of praise and desires our worship
vs. 3-8: God is still on the throne
vs. 9-14: God is our refuge and is our salvation
vs. 15-20: God will avenge. The wicked will be snared by their own devices. God will supply all our needs and give us peace.

Psalms 10
vs. 1: Prayer is still effectual
vs. 2-10: God sees the evil deeds that the wicked perform
vs. 11-13: The wicked deceive themselves into thinking that God does not see them, and they think they will get away with it.
vs. 14-16: Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His coming is near.
vs. 17-18: God hears our prayers

Psalm of Praise

Before we answer the question of this chapter, (What is man that thou are mindful of Him?) we have to ask, “Who is God?”

Psalms 8
1 - We find out about the names of God.
LORD = Jehovah, Lord = Adonai
My Master who can meet all my needs
Jews were afraid of pronouncing Jehovah, or even writing it, because it is so reverential.
God’s name is excellent and He is even better than all of the heavens.

2 - God’s strength is ordained in weakness
Matthew 21:14- Children are in the temple praising God. They are setting an example to the scribes and priests. They are showing perfect praise to God.
The power of praising God gives us strength.

3 - God’s power is displayed in creation.
Isaiah 40:12 - God stretched out the universe with the span of His hand.

4 - What is man?
We are insignificant in creation, but God sees us as precious and desires us to draw close to Him,
especially in our bad times. God’s mind is full of us.
Jesus Christ even came to earth, like us. He conformed Himself to a body.

5 - Man is significant to God

6-8 - Man had dominion over creation until he sinned. Jesus Christ helps us to have dominion again.

9 - God has sovereignty over man.

God is bigger than all of my problems. We need to trust Him.
We are significant in His eyes.

How do I Deal with Enemies Within Myself?

Psalms 6-7

Chapter 6
1-3: Sin’s fruit is painful
4: Come back to me, God!
5-7: David grieves because of his sin
8-9: David knows he needs to get his sin out
10: Sin should make us ashamed, so that we don’t do it again

Chapter 7
1-5: Look within yourself
6-16: Let God vindicate for you
17: praise God for working on your behalf

2 Corinthians 7:10 - Being sorry for your sins should lead to repentance.

Do not let bitter circumstances damage your character.

God will judge for you.

How Do I Deal With My Enemies?

Psalms 5 and 6

Chapter Five answers the question: How do I deal with enemies in my family?
Chapter Six answers the question: How do I deal with the enemy of myself?

Chapter Five discusses David’s thoughts as his son, Absalom, is in rebellion against him.
Chapter Six show us how David, the writer, is in such distress.

The background for these two chapters:
2 Samuel 17, I Chronicles 2 -
Absalom pursues his father David
Absalom chooses Amasa, his cousin, to lead the army
Absalom dismisses Joab, a cousin, from leading the army
David is obviously in distress over all of these family problems and issues.

Psalms 5
1-3: Pray and seek God to intervene
4-6: God will deal with sinners
7-8: Seek God’s mercy, be God-fearing
9-10: Sinners flattereth with their lips, be careful who you listen to
11: God will bless and defend those who love Him.

Psalms 6
1-3: David realizes sin’s judgment is painful and he asks God, “How long?”.

God will always forgive you for your sins, but you have to pay the consequences. You do not get to choose the consequences.

What in the World is Going On?

Psalms 2

Introduction: Acts 4:25 tells us that this is a Davidic Psalm.

  1. Inquiry of David: Why do the heathens rage?
    They want to break the bands of the Trinity
    Today, heathens are anti-God and anti-authority
    David knew this thinking wouldn’t work. He says the “people imagine a vain thing”

  2. Insurrection of God vs. 3
    Heathens want to be united against God
    They want sexual, intellectual, domestic, and spiritual freedom

  3. Indignation of God the Father vs. 4-6
    God scorns the heathens and confuses them
    God still has patience with them, but judgement will come if they don’t repent

  4. Intention of God the Son vs. 7-9
    Jesus Christ arose from the dead to live forever
    The difference between Jesus Christ and others who were raised from the dead, is that
    those people still had to die again. Acts 13:30
    God promises a relationship to Jesus Christ and to all believers
    Jesus is our mediator to God. He is our high priest
    The earth will be an inheritance to Jesus to rule forever
    Jesus will rule with a rod of iron
    Jesus is the stone that will destroy all kingdoms Daniel 2

  5. Invitation of God the Holy Spirit vs. 10-12
    The Holy Spirit invites the rebellious to turn to God
    The Holy Spirit wants us to be submissive to Him, given by a signal of “Kiss the Son”
    Romans 5:10 We are reconciled to God through Jesus’ death and resurrection
    Revelation 6:15 It is better to trust Jesus than not to


Where are we Going?

Psalms 1:1-6

Blessed = happy

  1. Being blessed comes only on God’s terms

  2. Blessedness begins with the negative, not the positive
    Do not walk with the ungodly

  3. Blessedness comes with saturation
    Meditate on God’s word day and night, delight in it

  4. Blessedness comes with being situated in the right place
    Like a tree by a river, it will bring forth fruit in due season
    Ungodly are like chaff that blow away, they will be punished

  5. Blessedness comes from being based on God’s word